Have you ever wondered why people hire Real Estate Agents?

It’s a very simple reason. Because people need real estate agents to help them with the full process in finding, showing, closing, and confirming a property for them. 

Or are you working more as a listing agent, you help people with analyzing, marketing, showing, closing, and confirming the transfer for them. 

So why are you not doing this consistently every month with your potential clients? 

For most real estate agents, there is a gap between what they want and what they’re really getting.

But why is that gap there? In my experience by coaching, training, and consulting real estate professionals all over the world, I see It’s usually a set of obstacles that the real estate agent has to overcome to get their result.

Let me give you an example… 

When we launched our Act-Attract-Impact coaching program, we soon realized that many real estate agents don’t have a full plan in building their real estate business. 

With most of our clients, we simply had to go two steps back to really help agents understand what the gap is between what they have right now and where they want to go.  

In doing so, we were able to immediately tell real estate coaching clients why they’re not seeing the results they want.

We identified four main reasons why real estate agents are not getting clients.

  • Under-confident in what they sell
  • Bad at marketing
  • Not a strong lead flow process
  • Awkward approach to selling & offering

Got it?

So here’s the big takeaway.

To close the gap from where you are today, to where you want to be, is in fixing these 4 obstacles. 

It’s an essential part of your overall business model that needs to be fixed first. From here you can start scaling and bring in more people to your team. 

I can even safely tell you that if 1 out of the 4 items is not in order, you will have a very hard time building your self in becoming a millionaire real estate agent. 

It seems such a big promise, becoming a millionaire real estate agent. There are two reasons I strongly believe it’s possible. The first reason is that I have seen many that have made it to that level. And second, because real estate is a high ticket item, where you get paid a high commission for the work you do. 

Clients that went through my coaching program are becoming millionaire real estate agents just with closing 7-10 deals a year. So yes, it’s not that big of a deal. But you got to fix the first 4 obstacles first. 

So where to start?

Well, a simple process or plan, designed to overcome those obstacles, can be a good start to see the clarity of your business model. That’s where you can start tweaking the 4 obstacles in becoming successful parts of your business.

Start by taking a piece of paper and write down the 4 obstacles I played out in the above paragraph. For each obstacle, you write down how you are going to fix it. Can be anything:

  1. Buy a book on selling
  2. Lower the prices of your current listings
  3. Become a member of Propcoach University of Real Estate (PURE)
  4. Figure out how Facebook ads work for more leads
  5. Leverage on your team leaders for a better marketing process

Anything you put down on paper is your next step in getting these obstacles to fix. Eventually, it will help you close your gap in where you are today, to becoming the next Millionaire real estate agent. 


P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 ways I can help you grow your real estate business:

  1. Have you downloaded my book yet? – ‘’Secrets of top real estate closers’’

For the full version Ebook, you can download it here. — Click here

  1. Join the ‘’Propcoach Mastermind’’ to get more value from Propcoach

It’s our new Facebook community where smart real estate agents learn to get more income, impact, and independence. — Click here

  1. Interested in a FREE coaching session with me to work on your real estate business plan? 

If you are already making at least 5K a month and would like to scale this up to 6 figures per month, set up a call to find out more – click here