Focus on building the one thing that can boost your real estate business!

If you want a profitable real estate career, don’t build a website or invest heavily in Facebook advertising.

The secret to building a successful real estate career (if you can call it that) isn’t in the software you use or the marketing channels you waste your money in.

It’s not the company you work for, the market you are in, the technology you use, the area you cover or even the clothes you wear.

Of course, all of this will be important when you start moving forward, but you need to figure out one thing first to boost your real estate business.

In real estate you need to understand two things:

  1. Everyone needs real estate.
  2. Real estate is by far one of the most expensive things a person will own or invest in.

So the one thing your need to understand based on these two key principles are:

You need to know how to build extraordinary relationships with your clients.

Let me explain…

Business is the exchange of goods, services, or money between two parties.

Buying a domain name and colour coding web pages doesn’t make you a real estate expert…

It makes you a hobbyist.

And it’s a hobby that’s causing you to bleed money and opportunity every day whilst the technophobic entrepreneurs are running to the bank with the money of your potential clients.

Sure, it gives you a sense of accomplishment and pride to have your own domain name on Google but who’s actually going to go there?

Your mum, dad, and maybe your grandma if she can get the internet to work?

You see, building a website is a little like building a shop in the desert.

You can have the best product and service in the world but if you stick it in the middle of the Sahara, who’s going to buy anything?

So what is the winning formula for real estate success?

Well, it’s pretty simple really…

So simple in fact, that you’ll want to fight against it and call us a liar.

But after personally working with hundreds of real estate professionals and working in the real estate industry ourselves for over a decade, we know a bit on how the industry works (and how it doesn’t):

Here’s what it looks like:

1. Identify your area of expertise (geographical area, property type, buyers/sellers specialist).

2. Focus on this area and expand market share over time by becoming the specialist.

3. Once you have reached a big enough market share, move to the next area of expertise.

And you all do this by building great relationships in those areas. Know the people you want to work with. Talk to them, meet them, invite them for coffee.

Oh, one more thing…

Note that final step.

Go to where your market already is.

Facebook, LinkedIn, and even Eventbrite have already done a lot of work for you. Go join groups, connect with your area, and start building those relationships.

People are already congregating in groups and forums asking for help so there is your market need.

All you have to do is take your shiny face to them and start connecting

Pretty simple, eh?

So remember….

People don’t buy from websites or IG profiles, people buy from people.

Stop selling, start serving!

P.S. If you were thinking about choosing an area of expertise and need our help to make sure you choose the right one, please send us an email. We can get on a call and put you in the right direction.