It was when I moved to Malaysia that I felt the need and passion to start helping Real Estate Professionals.

Over the last 10 years I’ve lived in the Caribbean, where I got to learn how to start my own business. On a small island called Curacao, I gained the learning experience to become an entrepreneur. I can tell you, to become an entrepreneur is not something you choose one day. It’s a process of hard work, lots of failing and lots of thinking. That thinking made me crazy. I had tons of ideas, but I also had to get out of the mess I put myself into.


After a while you become good at it and start structuring the thinking process. You not only give your mind time to think of new ideas, but also time to resolve and find solutions for problems. This for me is the basic of being an entrepreneur – The power to control your mind in finding new ideas while focusing on the present.

  • My last two businesses in the Caribbean were real estate companies. First, I started a property management company. This was fun. I learned everything on rental, maintenance and finance. I had to work hard for 2 years for this company to succeed. We focused on a specific rental structure and we needed tenants to cover this. We built a good marketing structure to get these tenants in. It was truly amazing. From working late-nights, to setting up marketing plans that worked, and checking in and outs all day and night.

It was the best teaching school in the world when it comes to entrepreneurship and real estate. It covered everything. Sometimes I had to climb up a roof to fix the tiles, other times I had to wear my suit to the bank and talk about the financial plans. All together it was great, but there was one thing it didn’t cover completely. After 5 years of building the biggest property management company on the island, I felt I was missing something. It was one of the most important skill in real estate you need to practice. 

In property management you do everything from renting, managing, maintaining, marketing, and accounting, except selling. This may not be the case in all countries. But for my property management company, selling was not a daily process. That led my decision to sell the company and focus on becoming a Real Estate Agent.However, before I even sold the company, I had already applied for a RE/MAX License and started right away. I knew that starting with a good brand and good education would give me the head start that I needed. I wasn’t wrong. Within a year I grew to be number three in the company and number 26 (out of 260) in the region.

However, before I even sold the company, I had already applied for a RE/MAX License and started right away. I knew that starting with a good brand and good education would give me the head start that I needed. I wasn’t wrong. Within a year I grew to be number three in the company and number 26 (out of 260) in the region.

Was there a secret?  Yes, there were many secrets, but the most important ones were: brand, education, and having a system. You can read more about these 3 secrets in the following blog: The 3 most important secrets in Real Estate

Finally, I decided to change my life and say goodbye to this beautiful Caribbean island. It wasn’t easy, but I didn’t want to live on an island my whole life. It was time to live in the city again. After researching lots of countries, cities and businesses around the world, I ended up in the most beautiful country in the world. And how this happened I will cover in another blog. This beautiful country is Malaysia. I know it’s my opinion, but a lot of people will agree with me.

Here is why I became a Real Estate Coach. I became a Real Estate Coach because of one thing and one thing only: Passion.

Wherever I go and whatever I do I’m always obsessed about the real estate profession. I read everything, followed professionals and studied any tool and techniques used in the industry. I looked around and saw how real estate professionals were producing. I knew they could do 100% better, but if only somebody could give them the tools and techniques to grow and become better step by step. When I researched many real estate coaches, I was so impressed of people out there dedicating their passion to the business. And that’s how my Real Estate Coaching journey started.