Real Estate Training for Agents

Become Extraordinary in Real Estate
Helping You Find Success  as a Real Estate Agent

Feel Overwhelmed or Stuck in Your Real Estate Career, But Can’t Seem to Find a Way?

The Real Estate Business is an easy entry industry but has also an easy exit. Many people don’t survive their first year in the real estate business. With our 360 degrees Real Estate Training you will build the skills, knowledge, and confidence to succeed in the industry. Let us help you become extraordinary in real estate. Real Estate Training doesn’t have to be expensive but is necessary to make you a top-performing professional

We don’t simply give you real estate agent training, we focus on transformational training. That means that our training needs to improve, grow, and impact your real estate career. Our mission is to reduce the dropout rate of real estate agent in the industry by 50%.

And our vision is very simple:
To Create Real Estate Business Leaders, Who Empower Each Other, To Impact and Build The Communities Around Them. 

What you can expect in our Real Estate Training & Coaching?

The Fundamentals in Building your Career

Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation. Many don’t realize that real estate is a business. And like any business, you need to start planning for the future. Goals, budgeting, scheduling, and marketing are all part of the day-to-day activities of an agent. 

Lead Generation and Lead Nurturing Skills

A car needs fuel to drive, and a real estate business needs ”leads” to strive. Without leads no business, so one of the key aspects of getting started the right way is understanding leads. Where do you get them, how to manage them, and most importantly, how to close them. 

Sales Kills All Ills

Believe it or not, but sales is a way of life. Sales is everywhere around us. Any conversation you have will have a sales element in it. That’s why the most successful people in the world master the art of SALES. So the become good at it, you need to understand the psychology of it. 

Productivity & Routines

Steven Covey once said ”The Key is Not to Prioritize What’s on Your Schedule, But to Schedule what are Your Priorities.” And that says it all already. What is important and not important in your daily activities. How can you scale the activities, and when is it time to start hiring and assistant? 

Daily Questions We Get..

Every day people ask us many things about our real estate training. We have compiled the top 5 questions we get at Taco & Co related to our training, coaching, and consulting. 

Why do I need Real Estate Training?

Like any successful person in the world, your outcome is dependent on 4 things: 1) Your positive attitude. 2) The skills & knowledge you have in the industry 3) Your mental toughness. 4) Your level of action taken.

For many people, these 4 things don’t come naturally and have to be trained. Once you get trained we also advise a coach. A coach will always pay itself back, as it will always let your reach higher than you could have imagined yourself. 

Can we invite Taco & Co for any sharing session or seminar?

Depended on our schedules and traveling obligations, we can always look into your request. As passionate trainers, we always look for new opportunities to connect with new crowds. Please send us a message or fill in the form below to give us more details on your request. 

Does Taco & Co Provide any Free Training?

Yes, we do have a very active youtube channel with weekly training sessions for everyone. You can start by having a look at these sessions and you will pick up a few things. Don’t forget to also subscribe and leave a comment. thanks

Also, we publish weekly blogs on our website. Find the blogs –> Propcoach Blogs

Can Taco & Co Give any Sales Training that is not related to Real Estate?

Our core business is real estate training, however, we do have a few customers that have requested special sales training. Mainly focused on communication, closing, sales process, and calling. We do need to understand more about your business to see of we can build a training program for you. 

Do you give any guarantees on your training programs?

The majority of people that buy training online will not complete it. That’s just the fact, as you need a lot of discipline to follow through on a training. In our training, we do our very best to keep you engaged, involved and inspired to finish the program and most importantly to take action. Still, we don’t want to give you any wrong expectations. So all our training, including the membership platform comes with a 30-day Satisfaction Guarentee. If you don’t like the platform or training you can request a refund. 

Online Real Estate Courses

We give training in many different ways. Training through live classes, online webinars, membership programs, and signature programs. We will always strive to come with better programs that adapt to the expectations of the market. Our real estate training can be followed by our membership platform PURE – Taco & Co
University of Real Estate
, or you can find one of our unique Real Estate Courses by pressing the button below

If you feel you need a LIVE or ONLINE session that is customized to your brand, needs, goals, and team we are happy to get on a call to discuss the options. Our team has 5 years of real estate training experience within different regions of the world.

Propcoach Real Estate Training

Best Way To Get Started

Check The Programs

We regularly update our real estate training with new programs, workshops, and sessions. Check out our latest programs below with the detailed descriptions. Whatever you start you will get access to the latest sessions we have designed at Taco & Co International Inc. 


Choose a Training Program

Once you find your ideal real estate training program, please go ahead and start your transformational journey. With our 30-days Satisfaction Guarantee you will have no risk in trying the programs. If you feel you have gotten not value from us, please contact us and we will return you the fee. 

Reach Your Goals And Scale

Once you have purchased one of our programs, we will keep you in the loop on future programs. Some of them we will include as additional sessions to your current programs and some will be brand new. As an existing customer (and friend), you will always enjoy freebies, discounts, and first launches. 

Taco & Co University of Real Estate

All in one online membership platform with our latest online real estate training, scripts, marketing templates, tools, and Q&A session. Most affordable real estate university in the world. Only $38 dollar per year.

$38 p/y

Online Real Estate Courses

Our Online Real Estate Courses are specifically designed for real estate agents that want to grow their business from 5-figures to 6-figures in the next 6 to 12 months. All programs are  intense and very detailed that will take you step-by-step through a system to start scaling up your business to 6-figures. Check out the latest program for real estate agents, leaders, and agency owners. 

From $9 Onwards

Team Leader/Agency Owner Coaching

This program is designed for real estate leaders, brokers, and agency owners who want to find better ways to manage, scale and grow their teams. A fully customized coaching program to reach your goals & targets for your team. To understand more about your goals and direction, please schedule a FREE consultation call to let us learn more about you. This call will already include our advice & direction planner to help you on the way. This direction planner is worth $250 (USD), and we give it away absolutely for FREE. Schedule your call today. 

On demand

We Can't Wait To Talk To You. Contact Us Today!