Let’s talk about Facebook advertising.

If you are a full-time active Real Estate Agent, you’ve probably got a paid ad campaign. And like most agents, it maybe isn’t quite working how you want it to.

Whenever you start using Facebook Advertising tool, it’s very important to clarify the customer journey. Your ads are going to contain offers and you need to classify them. Otherwise, your targeting will be all wrong.

Recently I learned an amazing way to find a clear system to setup the right type of ads in our Real Estate Business. 

It’s called the concept of a traffic light system for Facebook ads.

We all know what a traffic light is. So just imagine you have a green, an orange, and a red offer type.

Step 1

Ideally, you want any advertising to start with the green offer.

Your green offer is a lead magnet. It’s something that you can give away for free in exchange for an email address. This type of offering is also referred to as VAM – Value-added Marketing. You give some value away in exchange for data. 

This could be a CMA report, a market report, a valuation report, a cheat sheet, a book, or even your Facebook group.

Green offers are for people who are completely cold to you. In other words, they know little to nothing about you. 

This is where the message kicks in. 

A green offer needs to speak to a cold lead in a certain way. It has to grab their attention based on a shared problem or aspiration.

With green offers, it’s all about low risk and high reward. Make it easy for the prospect to take the offer by giving them something that offers amazing value.

To put it simply, you’re hunting for email addresses or phone numbers with your green offer.

Step 2

Then, we come to our orange offers.

These are all about increasing the likelihood of turning leads into conversions. You’re using the previously harvested emails resulting from the green offer to get in touch with your leads on a more personal level.

Now, you can also build this personal level by retargeting your ads to previous visitors or sign ups of your lead magnet. You can do this by creating audiences within your facebook management tool. One of the most powerful ways to automate your customer journey. 

Step 3

Finally, the red offer is your actual offer.

Getting your prospects to come to your event, sending you a check, signing up with you, and so on.

The key here is, you can’t start with your red offer.

A cold prospect isn’t going to take that offer when they don’t even know you. 

They’re not ready to buy yet.

You’ve got to put them through your funnel to get them ready. Use the green and orange offers to nurture them.

And by the time you get to your red, you’ve got yourself a win-win situation. The prospect loves what you’re doing and wants more. And you’ve just landed yourself a new buyer or seller.

Want to learn more about our facebook marketing or any other marketing tools for real estate agents, make sure to join us in PURE – Propcoach university of Real Estate. You can sign up here: http://taconco.com/roadmap-pure34702457