“If you want to become successful, you just need to work hard,” said my father on a regular basis.

Yes, we all need to work hard to move forward in our careers. But what he didn’t know is that it’s not only about working hard, it also about working SMART.

Ever since I have become a real estate entrepreneur my days were packed with calls, email, marketing, and a lot of appointments. Going into the world of real estate coaching, nothing has changed that routine.

At an early stage of my career, I became obsessed with productivity. How do the top performers in the world get so much done in a day? Through literature, many documentaries and my personal experiences I got some of the answers.

But where I got most of the answers was by listening to other agents, realtors, negotiators and agency owners that were doing extraordinary in the real estate. I found there was an interesting pattern in how these people kept their performance on a top-level.

Yes, hard work was part of it, and this will always be the case. However, what I really found to be the foundation of all performers was energy.

It was almost too simple to accept this truth, but if you think that energy is just something you can buy at a supermarket and use it during the day, you are wrong.

All these top performers spend significant time, money and resources to keep their energy levels up. Without their detailed routines during the day to keep up with the speed and fast pacing time, they would be completely lost.

One of my old friends and a top performing agent once said it very nicely,

“Performance isn’t a result of hard work, your performance level can make you work hard to achieve the desired results.’’

So it’s very simple. In order to achieve high results, you need to work hard. In order to work hard, you need to level up your performance. And to level up your performance you need massive levels of energy.

So how do we get more energy? Because most of us get very tired, drained and exhausted from hard work. How do we keep up in a consistent performance, so that we can get faster towards our desired results?

It may seem very cliche, but I did ask many real estate professionals in the market what they do to stay on top of their game. Here are some patterns we found that many real estate professionals gave us:

1) Prepare your day the night before

Clarity is everything in real estate. When you have a full day of calls, follow-ups, meetings, viewings and little fires in between, your brain is going to be in a roller coaster of thoughts.

You want to have this as structured as possible, so you don’t take too much energy from your brain. Making a clear schedule the night before will give your brain the feeling you have everything under control before you sleep.

That means you will sleep better. Sleeping better means more energy the next day. Now you wake up and know exactly what’s going to happen, which will give you a good start of the day.

2) Focus on the FES (Food, Exercise, and Sleep)

All top performance real estate professionals that I talked to had something to say about food, exercise, and sleep. Many of us know this already, but don’t put it in real practice.

Energy can literally be created with the FES. Good food will give you good energy. Exercise will maintain your energy and sleep will give you the recovery for new energy.

For most top performers I know this is a non-negotiable term in their lives. They will work as hard as possible but always invest time and money to have the FES in their schedule.

3) The more you Learn, The more you Earn

Many of the top-performing real estate professionals have an amazing learning appetite. Most of them read about a book a month and also the majority invests in additional courses, workshops, and online learning.

Because when they learn new skills and increase their standards in the market, they become super highly focussed on new business and growth. This excitement and variety in their business gives them the energy to keep moving and elevating

4) They find accountability in a mentor or coach

Someone once told me, “Nobody in the world became rich alone’’. And I must fully agree with that.

Personally, I have most of my success to thank my mentors and coaches I had over the years. They were the influential people that gave me the power, motivation, and courage to take my business to the next level. I always remembered that after a call or visit to my mentor, I walked out feeling like I just won the lottery.

Talking to other top performing agents, I hear them all about a mentor or coach that is helping them stay accountable, stay focussed and raise their standards. This is an absolute energy accelerator for most real estate professionals I talk to.

Over the past years, I have seen many agents leave the industry for many different reasons.

The fact remains that real estate still has a huge failure rate. Going to the reasons of people dropping out, I can tell you the top reason I have heard over time – I’m tired!

What? That’s it? Yes, the real estate business is a mental and physical rollercoaster and many don’t have the energy to go through it.

Keep the top 4 points in mind if you want to get started or already are a few years in the real estate business. These are the simple reasons top performers do so well and it’s super easy for you to adapt your routines the same way.

Control your energy, elevate your real estate life!

Oh, one more thing, if you’d like to learn more and earn more in real estate, don’t forget to create your FREE account on PURE – Propcoach University of Real Estate: https://propcoach.net/pure